Friday, January 16, 2009

Cold Day In The Country!!

Today was really a cold day, only a high of about 24 degrees and last night it got down to 8 degrees, as I write this my computer reads a high of 16 degrees! Even the sink pipes in garage froze today when my daughter forgot and left the doors open a couple of hours!

The best thing about today was school was canceled due to the cold and we even heard before noon yesterday while we were in class! Finally Bedford gets a day off! My buddies in Roanoke City Schools called today, around lunch time, complaining about the fact they were in school and I was sitting at home in my nightgown! Grandson, Cameron did have to go to Botetourt Schools, but was 2 hours late...of course he is rubbing it in that he gets Tuesday off and we don't. Of course Monday is Martin Luther King holiday and we all get that off! I really would love to be off Tuesday to watch the inauguration. My nephew, Clay worked for the Obama campaign and has been working on the inauguration celebration; hopefully he will land some permanent job in Washington with one of the many departments.

I've really pampered myself today, playing on the computer and even went for an hour massage! Oh how I love those! I know I should have been busy putting away Christmas ornaments and doing my weekend cleaning ahead of time, but sometimes a girl just needs to do nothing! Now let me go find that book I was reading....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Seems like there are never extra minutes to sit and blog. I wish there were more hours in the day to catch up! It looks like all my buddies from "blog" class are really getting more blogging in than I am. Sorry about that guys. I do think this will be great to learn and I do promise to try to log on from home and get some pictures out for you to see. Until then we are all looking forward to the end of this exam session. And where is that snow everyone promised me in Bedford!
Yeah Yeah

Monday, January 5, 2009

This is my first blog. I am a teacher, who has taught Culinary Arts for seventeen years and am now teaching regular Family and Consumer Science Classes in a new school system, for me, and having a ball. I am finally getting to teach Child Care, Family Management and Individual Development. The discussions in each class are so much fun and such a wonderful way to really get to know the students and what they are truly interested in doing with their lives. It is a real challenge keeping ahead of the students in lessons because they want to do everything and all of it right now. I must say I spend hours planning and developing interesting and fun activities, but the internet is wonderful for seeking out ideas that have already been “invented and proven” as great working lessons.